Name: Fitran042 Height: 5' 8" Age: 29 Status: Separated Hair: Blonde City: Whitehorse, YT Y1A

Interested in dating. I want to meet someone special, talk, flirt, and who knows there might be more. I love older women send me a text 857 261 1890 I enjoy sex.outside of the house or sex on the job. Hot fuchs women pussy!!!

Love sports especially baseball I like being active and workout right now Yukon Oklahoma three or more times per week. Goodlooking & confident, knows how to take care of woman.

Name: 39TallHandsome Height: 5' 5" Age: 59 Status: Single Hair: Black City: Central Yukon, YT Y0B

My lifestyle has been rather vanilla looking to explore and broaden my horizons with the right person.

Because of this I am cautious about who I meet up with. I can travel some for the right people. Love to eat kitty.

Name: Toat1978 Height: 5' 6" Age: 27 Status: Married Hair: Grey City: Whitehorse, YT Y1A

Im a huge nerd about star wars for sure, but i like alot of romantic stuff as well. I'm experienced in being a bull for other couples, but also have pleased many in 1 on 1. Open minded; easy going; respectful and honest. I want no strings attached or friends with benefits.
Name: doralinlu440 Height: 5' 4" Age: 35 Status: Married Hair: Red City: Southeastern Yukon, YT Y0A

I am in need of a Master, Masters and/or Mistress- i require something specific - something interesting, a little adventure - a different "hat". Not to fussy, just some one fun.
At this time Id just like to get out there right now in Yukon Oklahoma and explore. Im a busy woman but i can make a time for a coffe. Water with a fire moon.
Down to try something new, I like hanging out and listening to music. I enjoy playing golf for the challenge of the game, the serenity of the surrounding and the socializing.
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